Cannes Lions

Pizza Legends


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We developed a fun, engaging and sharable experience that really put the power in the hands of pizza lovers.

Pizza Legends, a mobile-first platform that allowed users to tell the story behind their own pizza creation was born. Don’t just create your pizza, name it, give it a logo, watch it come to life in a unique and personal celebratory video and order time and time again. Better still, get your friends to order it.

We even gave customers the chance to become famous with the League of Legends.

They could submit their creations, vote for their favourites and we would champion the winners in bespoke OOH and digi-advertising.

The platform was also used to create fun, reactive social content pieces for the likes of Ed Sheeran and Game of Thrones.

Any takeaway can customize a pizza, but only Pizza Legends can make it personal.


We kicked off the campaign with a combination of broadcast and direct media. Initial interest quickly became self-perpetuating. The Pizza Legends videos created on the platform were shared by users and Domino’s, in turn, driving more awareness and participation.

The campaign was initially phased over 10 weeks. Broadcast media kicked off the campaign with TV and menus, followed quickly by pulses of direct activity that sustained the campaign and built momentum.

We were able to take the best UGC and retarget specific audience groups via e-CRM, digital OOH, digital display and on social media via Custom Audiences in Facebook and Twitter.

This ensured our audience saw creations that were relevant to their interests. Gaming & football fans saw Pizza Legends videos tailored to them. We even localised content per region to deliver local topicality.

What’s more, through community management, we were able to create timely ‘Legends’ responses to cultural events.


Business results:

• £4.4m Sales to date

• Value of a legend is 38% higher than a menu pizza

• The average discount rate of a Pizza Legend transaction is 19% lower than that of a menu pizza transaction

• 44% repeat purchase of legends

• 20% of sales to lapsed customers

Participation Results:

• 475,000 legends created so far

• 89,250 League of Legends Competition Entries

• 2.2 million YouTube views of TV ads

• 41% higher than average Facebook organic reach

Brand Results:

• 39% increase in brand love

• Legends users rank us 10.2% higher on key purchasing factors (value, service, product, quality and image)

• 49% of people are aware of Legends

• 37% of Pizza Legend users state that it is exciting

• The ‘total love’ score for Pizza Legends users (recommend, preference, for me, affinity, favourite) is 38% higher than non-users at an extremely high 70.9%

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