Cannes Lions

POLA Voice makeup spheres


Presentation Image
Case Film






When we found out that 80% of the Japanese (?1) are not comfortable with their own voices and we wanted to invent something that would make Japanese like their voice and that would make it easier for them to love themselves.

The challenge was how can we let people know that everybody has a beautiful voice and nothing can replace its voice.

"High to low, thin or deep voice, any voice is beautiful and authentic." We kept that in mind and the whole purpose of this project was to let participants know about the authenticity of their voices is fascinating.

As a result, we made it to design the installation to let participants feel that their voice is unique and authentic.

Hiroko Yamazaki, "8 wari no hito ha jibun no koega kirai", (Kadokawa Shinsho, 2014), 116-118.


The beauty brand POLA, determines to keep offering opportunities for people to be beautiful. Their brand vision is "Science, Art, and Love". We invented an installation called "Voice Makeup Spheres" that incorporates sound and light, to turn POLA's vision into reality.There are as many ways to do makeup as they are people. Same goes for voices. We are proud to offer personal and original experiences with the sound installations that play original music based on the participants’ voices.


In the start we were targeting women, but when we were under the concept planning, we though beauty is not decided by anyone, but a joy or chance to love your self. So this activation was toward any kind of person, and the goal was by using POLA's identity and a small surprise with the installation, to create a chance to realize your own beauty you will live with the rest of your life.


By sensing your vocal quality, such as tone, volume, pitch or enthusiasm , the installation creates 2,160,000 unique types of ambient music with 48 Rhodes piano keys. We decided to used a Rhodes piano as it has been used as a tool for music therapy or many other purposes for its calming sound. The interface is designed to detect human motion and microphone input. Furthermore, the installation incorporates a visual element. Every participant's voice is visualized, so participants can take visual and sound data home with them so that they can still enjoy this magical experience of sound and light.


5,777 participants took part in the experience, with the total amount of vocal content reaching 10 hours and 22 minutes. The conversion rate for the LINE account, which was the selected social amplification tool, was 747 new registrations with 1073 video downloads of the experience—with the official LINE account encouraging registrants to register with the official brand account.

Participant feedback was positive with people noting “It was like being immersed in this beautiful world, I couldn’t believe it was my voice” and “I became a little fond of my voice through the experience.” The project created a new mindset for beauty through the use of voice as a medium.

The project was successful in creating a new brand experience aligned POLA’s aim of supporting customers' definition of “beauty” from various angles, with 85% of the 5000+ people that took part in the

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