Cannes Lions

Poster you can conduct


Case Film
Supporting Images






We created a digital poster, which could be directed from a smartphone. On the poster there is an orchestra playing a piece, and reacting in tempo to the way the user conducts it with her smartphone.

If you conduct fast, the musicians play fast. If you play slow, the musicians react by playing slower, too.

You have to conduct them in all possible tempos. And after a successful game, you get the message: We played for you now, but with Telekom we reach everyone.

Then you can download the reward to your mobile. A discount badge to the orchestra's next concert.


• Implementation

The game consists of a digital poster. The orchestra is playing on its screen in a tempo which reflects the users’ tempo of conducting with their smartphones.

For this we recorded a short piece with the orchestra in various tempos.

We created a mobile-site on which users could join the game and start conducting with their smartphones.

The tempo of their conducting defined which track would the poster play. This way we created the illusion of the orchestra reacting to the conductor.

• Timeline

The campaign started at the beginning of the concert season on the 26th of October 2015 and it lasted until the 2nd of April 2016.

• Placement

We put out our posters to 8 busy locations around Budapest. The places included simple outdoors but indoors as well.


• Reach

We had many different layers of reaching our audiences:

• The poster worked as average outdoor media – they were placed at frequented, downtown locations.

• The poster attracted players, who got engaged in the game and received a discount from the orchestra’s next concert.

• The campaign had quite a media buzz, which reached thousands of people in Hungary and abroad.

• Engagement

We had over 600 players at the first placement at the beginning of the campaign, in the first week.

On average 20-30 players used the game every day at every location.

• Impact

The PR impact was formidable. We had about 1 000 pieces of news about the Posters you can Conduct altogether in English and Hungarian.

The orchestra’s concerts aimed at young audiences were all sold out during the season.

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