Cannes Lions
A 70” interactive film that puts the viewer in the shoes of a woman who experiences a string of unwanted sexual behaviours that get progressively more serious.
At each incident, the viewer can choose whether to report by pressing ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
The video highlights that they can report any form of unwanted sexual behaviour that makes them feel uncomfortable on public transport, such as sexual comments or groping.
The voiceover builds the tension as she talks directly to the viewer, placing them in the young woman’s position. Her tone remains neutral, always giving the viewer the opportunity to make his or her mind up.
The campaign comprises of the interactive piece, a non-interactive version for YouTube and additional video on demand channels, a Tumblr page, online banners and a Z-card leaflet. All these assets serve to raise awareness of how to report any incidences, which can be done simply by texting what happened, where it happened and when it happened to 61016. The Tumblr page ( is the main hub for background on the campaign, providing information to help break down the barriers that prevent reporting unwanted sexual behaviour.
The film first aired on April 13th and has received almost 3 millions views since then. It has also garnered considerable media attention. For example, the film was a central discussion on BBC Radio 2 for over half an hour, showing how pertinent this topic was to the audience.
The Tumblr site has received 71.539 views with an average session of 25 seconds, from women between 16 to 34 years old, exactly the target of our campaign.
Following the multi-agency campaign, between April and September 2015, an extra 251 sexual incidents were reported, up 33% from the year before. During this time, 269 offenders have been also arrested, compared to 209 the year before (+29%).
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