Cannes Lions


PUBLICIS MALAYSIA, Petaling Jaya / PURINA / 2008

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Pets living in an environment without love are the unhappiest ones. This inspired our dog adoption idea and we linked it to a Purina® event. Homeless puppies were dressed up to look like tramps, complete with a patched-up bag each. On top of each bag was a plea for help written on a piece of torn-up cardboard. A heart-warming letter was inserted into the external pocket of each dog’s bag. These adorable “tramps” were then set loose on unsuspecting visitors at the event. Visitors who adopted them were given free dog food and directed to the Purina®’s dog care website.


The one day event achieved the following:67% of the homeless dogs were adopted by kind souls.

The novelty of the promotion captured media's attention and got us free press, mentions on pet enthusiasts' blog sites and drove a local kennel club to replicate the event over the next following 8 Sundays whereby a total of 28 homeless pets were adopted.Improved Purina® brand health results: Top-of-mind Brand awareness went up from 32% (pre-event) to 46% (post event).Hits on Purina®’s dog care website went up from 1267 pre-event to 3786 post event.

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