Cannes Lions


DALLAS, Antwerp / JOE FM / 2012


1 Gold Cannes Lions
1 Silver Cannes Lions
Presentation Image






JOE FM is a popular Belgian radio station. Their popularity comes from the fact that they place their listeners at the centre of everything they do. So when JOE FM’s third birthday came up, the stakes were high. We had to do more than just throw a big party. We decided to give the party away to a listener who had his birthday on the same day. The only thing was: we didn’t tell him.We created the National Surprise Party.

We made sure the birthday boy was out of the country 2 weeks prior to his birthday and started a big media campaign to tell the country about his birthday. We put Bjorn’s face everywhere: on TV commercials, magazines and newspapers, on billboards and on giant birthday cards that fans could sign. All the while JOE FM involved the listeners in the organisation of the National Surprise Party. What food would he like? What’s his favourite band? Which presents would make him go crazy. They weren't just guests but became part of a big nationwide effort, spearheaded by JOE FM who joined the many online and offline conversations to make sure this party for 1 man was organised by everyone.The result: a new celebrity was born without him even knowing it and the biggest surprise ever at the world’s biggest surprise party.


We decided the proof of the pudding was in the eating. What better way to prove you’re a radiostation devoted to it’s listeners than to really put them first? We put Bjorn’s face everywhere. In tv commercials, magazines and newspapers, on billboards and on giant birthday cards fans could sign. All the while JOE fm involved the listeners in the organisation of the National Surprise Party. What food would he like, what’s his favorite band, and which presents would make him go crazy. We joined the many online and offline conversations to make sure this party for one man was organised by everyone.


The results of the National Surprise Party were clear even before the party had taken place. Each of the 1,000 entry tickets was claimed in no time. JOE FM’s Facebook following rose by 26% in 2 weeks. Listening rates were the highest ever, and sky-rocketed during the party. We had press coverage in every Belgian media before, during and after the National Surprise Party. And most importantly: Brand new Belgian celebrity, Bjorn De Vuyst, and thousands of other listeners will have a story to tell for the rest of their lives, about the biggest surprise party ever and JOE FM.

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