Cannes Lions


VICE MEDIA, New York / INTEL / 2014

Case Film
Supporting Images
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When branded entertainment first made its way into the lexicon of the advertising world it was by definition the embedding of advertising inside the content of television, radio programs and movies by placing products in important scenes or making brands intrinsic elements of plot lines, but the executions are evolving and becoming increasingly more sophisticated, making it harder to gauge what is considered branded entertainment and what is regular programming.

Networks and brands alike are becoming increasingly involved in the creation of commercials and content that look to blur the lines of advertising and entertainment hoping to counter the growing penchant among viewers for skipping over conventional commercials. The reason behind those efforts to keep consumers interested in ads rather than avoiding them is economic.

Regulatory groups have advocated for stricter definitions, demanding that brands and networks make it clear when a message is paid for and funded, claiming that such techniques can be considered deceiving, but the actual legal restrictions are somewhat undefined.

Regardless of the legal concerns the goal of branded entertainment should not be to deceive the viewer rather they should be fully aware that the content is branded yet still seek it out for entertainment.


The series, as part of the entire RAM release campaign, built intense anticipation for the album’s release. , as well as giving fans the vocabulary and context for understanding RANDOM ACCESS MEMORIES, Daft Punk’s greatest creative leap. It also celebrated the artists Daft Punk respect and love for their fans, and helped to educate a whole new generation about their careers, and the global power of music.


The Collaborators series has been viewed over 10 million times, received over 1,000 press mentions, and was a key component of one of 2013’s most celebrated entertainment marketing campaigns, even producing it's very own Funny or Die parody.

RANDOM ACCESS MEMORIES went on to win 4 Grammys, including Album of the Year, and their single, “Get Lucky” won 2 Grammys, including Record of the Year. 9 months after its release, the album went Platinum with over 1,000,000 shipments.

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