Cannes Lions


PHD, Madrid / RODILLA / 2010

Presentation Image






Through social networks, blog hunting, permission marketing and innumerable other guerrilla-action tactics, we became in a fun-filled alternative where you could eat without spending a cent.

The registered users received on their mobile phones a BIDI code, unique and exclusive to each user, allowing them to enjoy a free meal at any Rodilla establishment and to become part of a select club with attractive, periodic offers.

The validation system at the point of sales allowed us to collect behavioural information about the user as well as identifying the location of the restaurant visited, the offers accepted and the timing of visits.But besides eating for free, we invited our new friends to take a photo or a video of themselves eating their sandwich, which had never been done before. This content went viral through the web on and gave the most popular pictures or videos the chance to win a big prize: free food every day for a year.


The goal of 40,000 meals in 2 months was achieved in just 3 days, and only 3 days after, that figure had doubled.

Just on Facebook, the promotion’s profile had almost 2,000 fans. In 3 months’ time there were over 135,000 unique hits on the web, with a restaurant return ratio of 68%. Likewise, over 66% of new customers were between the ages of 18 and 35.

Mission completed: massive traffic at the stores, rejuvenated brand and a complete and enormous database up and running.

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