Cannes Lions

Rhythm of Love Wall

ADK TAIWAN, Taipei City / 7-ELEVEN / 2018

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Idea: Every coin donated with love deserves a loving encouragement.

we created the “Rhythm of Love Wall” donation box. When people drop a coin, they will receive a great ovation. People will receive a different applause each time when they insert coins. This not only gives a direct gratitude for their good deeds, at the same time, people could feel the joy of being encouraged by doing good deeds. And it makes them want to give more!


In order to show our gratitude to donators, we worked very hard to develop every pair of hands, and over 200 thousand times tests to produce authentic clapping sound and motion without any extra sound effect.

We developed into the below implementation:

- Teaser films: A series of film to look for the best "encouraging applause" ,triggered people’s curiosity and discussion for “Applause”.

- Official films & Installation: ”Rhythm of Love Wall” officially launched. An unprecedented donation box engaged many people to visit it.

- Official Mobile Website: People can create their own clapping rhythm online and instantly transmit back to the physical installation. So the user-generated clapping can be heard in the store. People can also make a donation online.

- Collaboration with celebrities: We invited 12 celebrities to design colorful hands, extending the online buzz.

- Touring around Taiwan: Successfully created a donation boom in every 7-ELEVEN stores.


With only 14 days, over 86,500 people experienced the Rhythm of Love Wall. The visitors of 7-ELEVEN increase by 37%, numerous media reported proactively. The media impression is over 9,680,000. Overall donation raised up 200%, hitting a record-breaking high.

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