Cannes Lions


OMD UK, London / COTY / 2010

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We specifically targeted the cheaper, more ubiquitous handsets, used by our Rimmel girls. With ‘pay as you go’ their favoured payment plan, downloading would be expensive for our girls. So we used the free-to-download bluetooth technology in malls and cinemas, prime hangouts for our Rimmel consumer and her friends.To combat the ‘knowledge gap’, we created a Rimmel hub. Specifically designed for mobile, and regularly updated, it housed a wealth of information on how to achieve a look, what products to use, tips and advice, specific Rimmel content and features to get samples and branded content for their phone.Rimmel’s celebrities are a competitive advantage in building trust. Our videos featured our celebrities’ looks and were demonstrated by our celebrity make-up artist Liz Pugh. We invited users to text in their questions, which Liz answered for them. A ‘share with friends’ button fuelled word of mouth.


For less than £50k worth of spend the results were spectacular.Of all the girls who came to the site over 40% downloaded a piece of content, a rate far higher than the norm. We had 145,000 downloads in total.With 14,000 girls signed up and opted-in, we can now re-contact our advocates when new videos and products become available. Most importantly, we created brand evangelists who now intimately trust the brand. To quote one of the girls:“Thank u Rimmel. U’ve made my life so much easier. Luv u!”

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