Dubai Lynx

Room To Change

LEO BURNETT, Riyadh / IKEA / 2021


1 Bronze Dubai Lynx
1 Shortlisted Dubai Lynx
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2020 is the year everyone spent at home. They worked from home, their interests grew at home, they brought their hobbies home. Everything was done from the home and so everything piled up at home. All the objects, accessories, purchases were now inside the home. This created a mess. And messes can discourage people and stand in the way of them evolving and changing again, be it their work patterns or their interests. Because it meant getting even more items.


We showed people that there’s always room to change. Because at Ikea we have 60+ storage and home organization solutions that allow you to change as much as you want.

We created visuals made of the same room, repeating over and over again. And with every repetition, you could notice a small change. Celebration balloons in, celebration balloons out. New plant, small plant, bigger plant, many plants and then finally a new plant shelf from Ikea. New books, more books, new book shelf from Ikea. We won’t spoil them all, we’ll let you discover them in our visuals. The same room changed a million times, it was always full of life. It was also, always tidy and organized.


We showed people that there’s always room to change. Because at Ikea we have 60+ storage and home organization solutions that allow you to change as much as you want.

We created online films. Each film was made of the same room, repeating over and over again. And with every repetition, you could notice a small change. Celebration balloons in, celebration balloons out. New plant, small plant, bigger plant, many plants and then finally a new plant shelf from Ikea. New books, more books, new book shelf from Ikea.

We won’t spoil them all, we’ll let you discover them in the films. The same room changed a million times, it was always full of life. It was also, always tidy and organized.


We launched 3 online films, each showing a different room, for a different target audiences.

The first film is kitchen focused and shows how, the same kitchen, had room to change from hosting a family that ate take out, to hosting the same family, growing over the years, that started cooking gourmet meals for their married children and grandchildren, in the same kitchen.

The second film shows how, literally, the same bedroom had room to change from being a baby girl’s room to a teenager’s room gradually. The third film shows how, a same living room had room to change, from being a bachelor’s pad all the way to a divorcé’s living room.

Production wise, we played on very slight nuances changing with life, transporting the viewer on a trip inside the room, in a stop motion film with each item and room were hand drawn and painted.


80% clicked on the video which took them to the Ikea website storage and organization solutions.

97% watched the video until the end.

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