Cannes Lions


TOYOTA USA, Plano / TOYOTA / 2018


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Supporting Images
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We open on a man running in the snow on a mountainside at dusk. Suddenly, a house he is quickly approaching catches fire; still he runs. We continue through a forest and emerge on the outskirts of a city, picking up speed. The skyscrapers blaze past him as he now has a look of fierce determination. He enters a tunnel, and lights begin to flicker around him. He continues to run furiously, then suddenly bursts through a door. He approaches a man and a physical therapist; he's relearning how to walk. He continues to run at full speed toward the patient and suddenly they merge into one. We see the runner is the patient. He takes a few small steps forward, reminding us that everyone’s challenges look different, but it’s the obstacles in our lives that bring out our best. All we have to do is take the first step.

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