

THJNK, Zurich / OCHSNER SPORT / 2021

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Case Film






Ochsner Sport is the largest sports retailer in Switzerland. As such, Ochsner Sport's mission is not only to provide the Swiss with the best sports equipment, but also to actively encourage them to do sports. That's why Ochsner Sport asked us to develop an idea that gets people running. And then, above all, motivate them to stick with it. The target group was defined as all potential runners in German-speaking Switzerland. The idea should be engaging and entertaining and additionally create an innovative and positive brand awareness.


To get people running, we launched a podcast that you can only listen to when you're running. Runtime: the first podcast that only runs when you run. The app developed for this purpose uses sensor and GPS data to measure whether users are not just moving, but running. And only then does the content play. If the users stop, the podcast pauses. The episodes get longer with each run, because the users become fitter and fitter. After each episode, you can share your success with the community and unlock a new voucher for a running product you can redeem at Ochsner Sport. On the podcast, world-class marathon runners Maja Neuenschwander and Viktor Röthlin talk about running in 12 inspiring episodes and provide you with live coaching during your run. This way you have your coach live with you while running and it feels more like a game than like running.


When we studied the sporting habits of the Swiss, we found that a majority state that they do too little sport. But they would like to change that. Running has low entry barriers and was therefore seen as ideal because almost anyone can do it. In addition, the Swiss also state that they have started running before, but simply cannot keep at it because they lack the incentive or motivation. So our goal was to get people to 1) go for another first run. And 2) have a positive and rewarding experience so that they want to go running again and again.


The campaign started on 13 May 2021 throughout Switzerland. At the focus of the campaign is the interactive mobile app "Runtime by Ochsner Sport", which features the first podcast that only runs when you run. The app accesses your health data, specifically movement and step counters. In combination with GPS data, Runtime knows in real time whether the user is running. And only then does the podcast play. After the programming phase, the app was launched and promoted online with an activation spot. Runtime can be downloaded in both the App Store and the Google Play Store. Our campaign aimed to raise awareness for Runtime and encourage Swiss people to download the app. It consists of a social media campaign, an influencer strategy, audio advertising and an online video. The fact that the podcast features the European marathon champion giving his advice was an extra motivator to download the app.


At this point, the campaign is still running. But the results already look very promising: Runtime reached the number 1 spot in the health and fitness category of the Swiss App Store within just 24 hours. On average, each user spent 3.1 hours with Runtime. A total of 39 million steps have already been recorded, and Runtime has been listened to on 10,000 runs to date for a total of 180 days. On social media, there were even races to see who could run through all the episodes first. Thanks to the great success, a second season is already being planned.

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