Cannes Lions

Search Engine

BETC, Paris / UBISOFT / 2016

Presentation Image
Demo Film






Assassin Creed Syndicate is the latest opus of the well-known franchise. It takes place in the Victorian era, a complex period to apprehend for most people who are unfamiliar with the in industrial revolution and its outcomes.

To educate on this period in an interactive and entertaining way we developed the XIXth Century Search Engine. A unique website in its design which looks like a huge machine that could have been invented during the industrial revolution and whose purpose was to introduce our audience to the new setting of the game. Moreover the search engine content, made of hundreds of webpages, was crafted in the pure Victorian style to make users aware of the period in an immersive and entertaining way.


- The concept of the XIXth Century Search Engine was devised by the agency who came up with the idea of a huge and complex machine powered by oppressed workers to illustrate the harsh conditions of the working class during the industrial revolution. We thought about the whole content accessible through the engine, their multiple themes (entertainment, culture, politics, food, technology …) and their ironic and intriguing tones to keep the experience entertaining.

- The website and its opening movie scene, introducing the context of London industrial revolution, were developed and produced by an external contractor.

- The written content was done by a team of historians and writers who conducted historic researches before the writing process to bring true historical facts while keeping them relevant, interesting and surprising.

- Over 500 original webpages were produced, including hundreds of digital illustrations.

- The XIXth Centrury Search Engine was released in September through the EMEA territories, a month before the game release in October.


- 1 million unique visitors

- In terms of reach, 3,2 million pages were viewed

- In terms of engagement our users visited 8,3 pages per session and spent 3m57s on our website on average.

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