Cannes Lions

Seen from above: How 400 People With Disabilities Conquered Poland's Toughest Mountain Trail


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Case Film
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In the heart of Škoda's brand philosophy lies a spirit of discovery, of pushing boundaries, of exploration. While this spirit has traditionally driven their technological innovations and the engineering of their cars, Škoda has now embarked on a journey towards a far more noble horizon. The brand has expanded its ethos to transcend the physical realm—enabling people with disabilities to experience the erstwhile impossible. In an act of profound empathy, Škoda transformed the most challenging mountain trail in Poland into a path of possibilities. With the hands of 'sherpas of hope' and the leverage of technology, Škoda opened up the wilderness, inviting those with disabilities to taste the thrill of conquest, to feel the wind that whispers tales of freedom, to see vistas that unfold stories of endurance. This isn't just exploration; it's Škoda's tribute to the indomitable human spirit.


Mountains are a dream incarnate, captivating humanity for centuries. In Poland, every mountaineering enthusiast eventually dreams of conquering the most challenging trail - the Eagle's Path. Yet, not all succeed, and for those with disabilities, it remains but a dream to experience the summit's glory. Thus, we decided if our charges from the Sherpas of Hope Foundation cannot ascend the mountains, we would bring the mountains to them. Together with several TOPR rescuers, we embarked on the Eagle's Path, creating a unique 3D film from a climber's perspective. This film offers minutes of a fully immersive experience, allowing viewers to transport themselves onto the mountain ridge, look around in a panoramic 360-degree view, and feel the rocky traverse beneath their feet. Our guide, a TOPR rescuer, lends courage and comfort, for even in a VR experience, the height and steepness can evoke awe and fear alike.


Our brand strategy has been built upon exploring through the innovation and technology we craft daily as an automotive brand. It's why we ventured into creating a VR 3D film, a vision that transcends mere entertainment. This innovation wasn't just aligned with our mission as a brand but aimed to transcend the boundaries of experience itself. It allowed us to literally transport over 400 individuals with disabilities to the mountains – a realm often unreachable, even for many without such challenges. This audacious idea wasn't merely about experiencing the brand and its strategy in a tangible way for those who seldom feel such exhilaration. It was a profound embodiment of our mission and values, a testament to our commitment to not just move, but truly uplift, every heart and soul we touch, bringing dreams within reach, against all odds.


In a world where emotions are as vast as the universe itself, nothing captures the heart's stirrings and the raw authenticity of a moment quite like a film. But what transcends even the magic of cinema, allowing us to dive deep into the visual spectacle, feeling it with every fiber of our being? The answer lies in the immersive realms of VR and 3D technology. Moved by this realization, we embarked on a journey to fully embody what our brand could offer. Alongside mountain rescuers and camera operators, armed with both filming and climbing gear, ventured through the most daunting path in the High Tatras, the Eagle’s Path trail. Our mission? To film it in such a way that would make the experience as palpable as possible. This endeavor allows those with disabilities to feel as though they were there, amidst the beauty, breathing in the essence of adventure.


Perhaps the community for whom we created this film is small - one could said - what 400 people mean, but the impact upon it is immense. Each individual supported by the foundation experienced the extraordinary sensation of mingling with the highest peaks. The engagement with the film surpassed our wildest expectations – everyone desired to see it, and yet, the effect also fueled hope that mountains, though distant and inaccessible, could, through technology, become tangible. The VR emerged as a new sherpa of hope, transporting over a hundred people to the most perilous mountain terrains, allowing them to experience it firsthand. In media we reached the result of 750 publications, 23 826 748 total reach and 3 632 918 total AVE. In this odyssey of the soul, we didn't just witness change; Škoda became the very instruments of transformation, leaving an indelible mark on the canvas of humanity.

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