Cannes Lions


LIFEHUNTERS, Amsterdam / MCDONALD'S / 2015

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Case Film
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‘Mc Donald’s is losing the battle with the hipsters’, were the headlines of several modern blogs and fora in the Netherlands. Our briefing was simple, but not easy: Make young people relate to McDonald’s in a positive way again. The challenge was to not make it look like a slick Mc Donald’s campaign: There are more than enough of those and they do not get any further than 2 hamburgers for the price of €1. Therefore, it had to be made by young people for young people. We sent two hip outgoing guys to a gastronomy fair with a bag full of Mc Donald's food. Once there, we had several food connoisseurs (restaurateurs, sommeliers, chefs, and wholesalers) taste the food as ‘a new organically produced concept’. The answers even surprised us: the texture feels good in your mouth, tastes like cod, and you can really taste that it’s organic. We made a video with this footage, which didn’t only have the purpose to go viral, but also to generate some positive and newsworthy content about Mc Donald’s. This was more than successful: Daily Mail, Business Insider, 9gag, Metro,, Russia Today, are just a few of the headlines and blog posts, which a total of 23 million viewers generated. Through a smart, yet powerful video and smart seeding, one action put Mc Donald’s back in the picture, positively and globally.


By getting the video highly ranked on major influential online media blogs like Reddit, 9GAG and Buzzfeed, all smaller global blogs wrote about the video and it got shared more than 38.000 times. The idea was to make it first an international online success, followed by national success on TV and then "old school media" would come as well.


- The video accumulated a total of 23 million views, of which more than 5 million were on YouTube.

- The video had more than 300 million impressions on Facebook, Twitter, 9gag, and large news media.

- McDonald’s was the most discussed brand online for over a month.

- The number of Facebook fans of McDonald’s in the Netherlands rose by 21 percent.

- The video generated more than 13,000 comments and 38,000 shares.

- Sales of McDonald’s in the Netherlands rose by 16 percent in the target group of 12-24 year old's, in the 4 months after the campaign, compared to the previous year.

- The video received over 160,000 likes on Facebook.

- More than 200 international blogs, forums and news media wrote about this campaign.

- It was broadcast on 8 national TV shows, ranging from The Netherlands to Russia and Poland.

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