Spikes Asia

Shanghai Fast

STINK, Shanghai / NIKE / 2018







The film begins with a riddle with no answer that draws our runner into his pursuit. We tap into his escalating intrigue, as the city and its ghost-like messengers urge him to move faster and faster.

His experience becomes adrenalised, as he comes close to catching up to the shapeshifters in front of him, but never attains them.

Shanghai, the city of the future becomes an exciting catalyst for the spot. The city urges and taunts. Our main runner is an almost nameless person, an everyman whose experience, vision and drive become inspired by Shanghai.

This isn’t a film about unattainable athletics, but real people, real events, where the adrenaline and desire our runner experiences becomes a mirror into an almost mythical world.

The city becomes the protagonist, urging him and us forward, until he becomes a symbol of the city, urging others forward… to Just Do It… Shanghai-style.

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