Cannes Lions

Shell App for Connected Car - Titanium

SHELL LIKE, London / SHELL / 2017

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We created the world’s first ever mass scale in car payment system, in partnership with Jaguar Land Rover. It’s the next generation in the payment revolution.

In just five touches, Shell/JLR customers with the Shell app can use their in-car touchscreen to select the amount of fuel and securely pay using PayPal or ApplePay. Once fuelling is complete a receipt is displayed on the touchscreen, so the driver can be confident the transaction has been successful. A receipt is also sent to the driver’s email address.

The entire experience means that drivers will never need to leave the vicinity of their car. It can all be done from one screen. The 5th screen.

To date, use cases in the connected car space have been limited to transforming the experience ‘in-car’ – and concentrated mainly on entertainment. Not any more.


Our challenge was to enable secure payments from the car dashboard when payment security is on the phone, with products like Apple Pay. CarPlay offers no solution as payment is not integrated to Apple products.

The answer was right in front of us. Use the mobile app and remote control capability Shell already had. It was quick to implement as we didn’t need to build a new app – and it could be integrated easily within Jaguar Land Rover’s native UI (known for its simplicity). And crucially, it feels like a natural extension of the driving experience – like turning on the radio or programming the Sat Nav.

The service is live in over 1000+ UK stations and any Jaguar Land Rover with the InControl app technology can benefit (those built 2014 onwards).

But as the app is already in 30 countries worldwide.


This is a world first.

Next generation payment, next generation connected car.

To date, connected car use cases have been limited to transforming the in-car experience – mainly focusing on entertainment. We have fused the two: connected car and payment. Not even Google, Apple or Amazon have launched in this space.

We have achieved a reach of 112.7m with an estimated PR value of $11.1m, 28 mentions on TV and total airtime of 1 hour 20 minutes.

Using our collective strengths we are making life better for our customers today, but also making a contribution towards pioneering a future of fully autonomous connected vehicles.

A word from our customers…

‘It’s transformed stopping. I feel more like I’m in a pit lane, than in a petrol station’

‘This is a lifesaver if I’m on my own with the kids’

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