Cannes Lions

Shot by Sound


Presentation Image
Supporting Images






The entire fashion industry moves in the same Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter cycles. That means that every retailer is vying for attention at the exact same time.

To disrupt the fashion convention of ‘Great Model’ + ‘Great Location’ + ‘Great Photographer’, for the David Jones Spring/Summer campaign we shot the entire campaign without a photographer.

Rather than shoot a traditional fashion campaign with a photographer, we created a photo shoot employing 42 individual stills cameras triggered entirely by the instrumentation of a music track.

Every drumbeat, chord and lyric triggering cameras.

We captured all the seasonal imagery we needed for the catalogue, content, print, social, in-store and OOH.

The photo shoot also doubled as the music video for iconic Australian musician Daniel Johns, and his new single “We Are Golden”.


We built a world-first all-bespoke telemetric system allowing Daniel Johns and band to control a 42-camera rig around an infinity curve. The circuit used a 24-track mixing-desk and six Arduino boards loaded with our custom-written software. As incoming sounds hit designated frequencies, an electric pulse fired 2-3 of the 42 cameras in real-time, capturing 10,000+ images in one day. Also creating the music-video for Daniel Johns’ new single.

For our media thinking and cultural impact to be as innovative as our technology, we spread the idea with scale, focus and intensity.

Daniel John’s intrigue and appeal was key; heightened by his opening the launch event. The pivotal five-minute music-video seeded PR coverage in mainstream, broadcast, online and print media plus more-targeted social/fashion blogs.

Breaking the footage into digestible social-media videos allowed people to shop the fashion directly.

For the first time ever: no TV media buy. Instead we created content across YouTube, Facebook and David Jones’ own social channels; attracting 14m+ impressions and 4.7m views of the videos in the first two weeks – huge given Australia’s population is 23m.

We showcased the 2015 Spring/Summer collection for David Jones, Australia’s largest and oldest retailer, in a way that made the store seem more culturally relevant and contemporary than ever before.

We captured all the imagery needed for the catalogue, content (music video), print, social, in-store and OOH. No photographer required. It was #ShotBySound.

The style was a messy rock/fashion aesthetic among cables, speakers, amplifiers and cameras, which set the background for the film.

A 42-camera rig assembled around an infinity curve. Bespoke hardware/software circuit calibrated to fire cameras in real-time. Captured 10,000+ images for selection and edit into final film.

This was all produced over a timeline of 6-week pre-prod; 3-week post-prod; 6-week in-market.


4.7 million views

Total Sales: +13%

Australian Designer Sales in the Spring/Summer period: +22%

Publicity Reach: 41.1 million

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