Cannes Lions

Show Me Yours


Demo Film
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The past two years revealed how valuable entertainment is; we found comfort in content, and the shows we consumed connected us to others. We watched more than ever. And, though streaming services like Prime Video saw an increase in subscriptions, they weren’t reaching a younger audience who was spending more and more time on platforms like TikTok and Twitch. So, Prime Video challenged us… In this changing landscape, how could we build brand affinity with a younger, more diverse viewer? How does Amazon prove that it creates content for GenZ?


Does what you like to watch match who you like to date? From Netflix and Chill to the Twitter WaterCooler, film and television are foundations of how we connect. We see ourselves in the shows we binge, and judge others by their watchlists.

Our strategic provocation: Could the content we consume actually be a relationship hack that sparks instant connection? Or better yet, is it the foundation for a match made in heaven?

Introducing, "Show Me Yours", the first-ever TikTok dating show that asks one simple question: Could you fall in love with someone if the only thing you knew about them was what they liked to watch?


With the GenZ audience, we knew that our target lives and breaths on one platform in a way we’ve never seen before: TikTok.

So, to create exclusively for this platform, we launched our show with the help of three popular LGBTQ+ creators–using intentional casting that would break the mold of a conventional dating show. Our creators were strategically identified based on their built-in fanbases and their diverse personalities. We wanted to be sure that they were the stars of the show, not Prime Video.

We knew that the key to appealing to our audience on TikTok is authenticity, so our series used graphics, features, and editing techniques native to the platform. Narratively, we also knew that content is rarely seen linearly, so each episode needed to be engineered to be entertaining both in parts and episodically.


"Show Me Yours" launched on TikTok with three episodes, each posted in four parts, supplemented by unique “Side Pieces” from each of the creators and their suitors, as well as hot takes from platform critics–totaling 46 unique assets. From strategy and creative development to production and activation, we launched the first-ever dating show on TikTok in two months.

We enlisted a producer of The Bachelor to help us hit the right notes in the reality dating world, while taking direction from the creators themselves.

Knowing that our audience would likely discover the series from another profile or out of order on their FYP, each asset was designed to tell a complete story, flirting with the viewer to click through to more. And click they did...


Turns out that if you do as GenZ asks, they reward you for hearing them. In three short weeks, we garnered millions of views–8,648,742 views, to be exact, poured in for our three-episode series.

Fans of our leads, as well as the suitors, engaged with each and every piece weighing in with match theories, shipping other pairs, and praising their favorite influencers for hitting the big (small) screen with Amazon Prime Video–totaling 364,605 engagements.

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