Cannes Lions

Skate Nation Ghana


Presentation Image
Case Film
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People didn’t understand that Facebook was more than a singular app, but was rather a broader overall company consisting of several apps and products including Instagram, Whatsapp, and more.


Demonstrate both the cumulative power of Facebook company and the superpower of each endorsed brand is helping people to change the game in skateboarding.


Drive association between Facebook company and its family of endorsed brands.


We change the game when we find each other. Facebook Company (now Meta) believes in the potential of people when they come together and this belief can be seen by how people leverage our family of apps to truly build communities that wouldn't come together without them. By being able to browse skateboarding groups on Facebook, filming and sharing themselves doing tricks on Instagram, and connecting with another through WhatsApp and Messenger, teens in Ghana were able to meet each other, organize events together, and build a true skateboarding community in a part of the world that had little exposure to the sport before our apps help make skateboarding culture accessible to all.


Target audience (consumer demographic / individuals / organizations)

Focus on 18-29 year olds who fluidly use all of our apps, but don’t understand that they all come from one company that helps create this kind of positive change in the world.

Media planning

The primary channels for this campaign were broadcast television and on platform social (Facebook and Instagram). The broadcast media buy was a comprehensive partnership with NBCU, the official US broadcaster of the Olympic games. The :60 film Skate Nation Ghana was featured during the Opening and Closing Ceremonies. The :30 spot was featured throughout the coverage both in broadcast and online. Tailored versions of the spot were created for Facebook and Instagram through social first :15s


The plan for the campaign was to create as much impact as possible during the Olympics so in addition to having spots run during the broadcast coverage, we wanted to reach people where they were talking about the games. This was naturally Facebook and Instagram. Additionally, our message was about the positive impact social media can have in communities, so we created a number of 15s spots that deliver this message in a succinct social first way.

The campaign ran on a specific NBCUniversal Olympic buy, that ran across broadcast and their online channels. We also ran the campaign on-platform (Facebook and Instagram) to integrate into conversation about the games and skateboarding specifically.

The campaign ran from July 20, 2021 through to August 15, 2021

Scale Although the paid media campaign was limited to the US, the campaign was experienced all around the world via social


From July 20 to August 15, 2021:

TV reached 72M households.

179M digital impressions

Engagement on our platforms exceeded prior campaign benchmarks:

Click-through rate (CTR) - 0.9% (compared to 0.06% in previous campaign)

Video View Rate (3s) - 31.8% in 30s spot, (compared to 9.42% in previous campaign)

Of 733K web sessions, 33.8% of sessions involved clicks which was 10x the preceding campaign

Duration spent via organic traffic was ~2x previous campaign reinforcing that the audience was interested in learning more.

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