Cannes Lions


DDB STOCKHOLM, Stockholm / MCDONALD'S / 2011

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A ticket to the World Cup Final is worth more than money. It’s a once in a lifetime experience, and so we wanted to create something that measured how much it was worth. So we ripped the ticket apart, and invited the consumers to puzzle it back together. All in all, pretty easy. But when we added timed-based distractions such as attractive offers in our restaurants, it went from a mere puzzle to making choices using your hindbrain. Is it worth sacrificing, for instance, a Big Mac menu for the chance of a big win?


The website had over 39 300 unique visitors, spending an average of 2 minutes and 8 seconds on the site. Approximately 8200 games were completed, taking between 2 and 10 minutes, out of which 5700 decided to try it at least one more time before entering their results to the high score list. That’s 8200 contestants, competing for one trip, spending lots of time with the brand, and enjoying it. And one happy winner got to be there in person to see Spain beat The Netherlands at Soccer City in Johannesburg.

Please also see the included case film.

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