Cannes Lions


M&C SAATCHI MALAYSIA, Kuala Lumpur / CELCOM / 2016

Presentation Image
Case Film






Stories told by our loved ones have filled us with warmth, joy and inspiration. Orphans are unfortunately deprived of this. We wanted to connect them with senior citizens, who have a lifetime of stories to share, but no one to share them with.


Storyline allows Senior Citizens can share their life stories with children, who lack the warmth of stories being told to them by their loved ones. Besides personal stories, pre-installed stories in English, Bahasa and Mandarin are on Storyline. All stories can be augmented through a range of pre-installed sound effects and music that allow the storyteller to add more mood and drama. The listeners too have pre-installed ways to show their appreciation, in addition to the live interaction they can of course do.


Storyline doesn’t just benefit one group of people but two. More institutions are coming on board every month and new emotional bonds are being built every month. Through daily interactions with the wise silver-haired generation, orphans are less likely to go astray. And senior citizens are feeling wanted, valuable and loved. Besides personal stories, pre-installed stories in English, Bahasa and Mandarin have been shared. In fact the children constantly ask for new stories and we are finding it hard to cope with the demand for increased stories on Storyline.

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