Cannes Lions

Stress Tested for Women

WIEDEN+KENNEDY, Portland / SECRET / 2017

Case Film
Presentation Image
Case Film
Supporting Images
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Supporting Images
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Supporting Images
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This generation of women grew up being told they could become anything. ‘Being a girl’ didn’t limit them the way it did for earlier generations. But once women leave college many face the limited way the world sees them. It sees them as smaller than they see themselves -- this chasm is stressful and universal.

At the same time, we identified that Secret was the only brand with products proven to fight the specific effects of stress sweat. And with its 60-year history as the only brand in the category made just for women, Secret was in a unique position.

Secret’s campaign tells personal stories about stresses young women face; demonstrating feminine strength in a way that is relatable, inclusive and devoid of empowerment clichés. From the wage gap to gender equality to wedding proposals, Secret supports women as they persist against the limited expectations that surround them.


In an effort to drive relevance, we created a mix of product and brand work. We created personal stories that highlight the stresses young women face; showing feminine strength as vulnerable but brave. With a hyper targeted media approach, we placed our ads in contextually relevant media environments.

The Stress Tested for Women campaign launched in North America in April 2016. We produced film, online video, digital that ran on TV, digital video, Facebook, Instagram Snapchat and Twitter.


The campaign became a part of cultural conversation, and as a result we saw best in class results.

We found that relatable stories about strong young women not only connect with our target audience but also produce brand lift and increase our earned media. The message of each reinforced the brand’s commitment to supporting all women.

All four of our top performing spots saw compounded success because of their timely responses to conversations about transgender bathroom rights, the wage gap, gender inequality at CES, the NFL playoffs and the premier of The Bachelorette.

Last year, the Stress Tested for Women campaign gained over 2.6 billion impressions.

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