Cannes Lions



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Aztor (Atorvastain) is well studied and proven for its role in preventing heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels. Every heart, be it loving, caring, weak or strong… Needs to be taken care of. The central idea was to create a perception that with Aztor "Every heart counts for us".

Aztor one of the leading Atorvastatin brands in India. We have created stamps with heart shaped visuals for last 8 years. Stamps connote that someone is in constant touch with you and heart shape visuals are created with a message for Dr’s to take care of their health as Every Heart Counts for Us.

This time around to break the clutter and to create something new with the stamps, we did Augmented Reality.

Rep used to go with “Point” installed on his Android or I Phone. He then places the stamp on the Dr’s table, click the picture which acts as a trigger and starts the interactive film on mobile. Doctor gets hands on experience of experiencing the brand which he is a part of building it over the several years.

This campaign was able to invite an exhilarating response from the cardiologists and make it a 75 Crore brand.


Agency has had the privilege to shape up the brand persona of Aztor and make Aztor one of the leading Atorvastatin brands in India.

We have created stamps with heart shaped visuals for last 8 years. Stamps connote that someone is in constant touch with you and heart shape visuals are created with a message for Dr’s to take care of their health. This time around to break the clutter and to create something new with the stamps.

We did Augmented Reality.

Rep used to go with “Point” installed on his Android Phone or I Phone. He then places the stamp on the Dr’s table, click the picture of the stamp which acts as a trigger and starts the interactive film on mobile. Doctor gets hands on experience of experiencing the brand which he is a part of building it over the several years.


The creative played a significant role in taking brand towards the pinnacle of success.

This campaign was able to invite an exhilarating response from the cardiologists and that additional time required to strengthen the brand further and make it a 75 Crore brand this year.

Output/Awareness: The Every Heart Counts campaign Target Group was always Health Care Professionals (HCP). The total Target Group universe for this campaign is 10,000 HCP. The problem was the communication which used to reach the end consumers was always compromised as it needs to be done through sales team. With this technology in place the biggest advantage which happened was communication was intact. The concept was new to Indian pharma industry and that resulted in a awesome feedback from HCP who were quite fascinated by the content. It helped them to understand the core message in subtle way.

Knowledge/Consideration: There was overall 7,800 HCP who viewed the content. Average engagement time with content was 1min.52 secs. These impacted the awareness for 'Every Heart Counts for Us' campaign in a better reach and penetration amongst the Target Group. Every Heart Counts itself became an identifiable logo. Geographically South India had almost 40% coverage followed by East India 25%, West India with 20 % and North India with 15%.

Action/Business Impact: The brand is there in market for last 14 years and it was ranked 4th ranked before the launch of AR campaign. The market is India's second largest molecule market with a Rs 680 Crore turnover. The Brand had a Market share progression from 7.2% to 7.8% over the last 13 years. Whereas the No.1 Brand was having a MS of 18% followed by 16% and 10%. In last year post launch of this campaign the brand MS% has zoomed to 12% along with gaining the No.2 position.

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