Cannes Lions

Sunrise Agragamini

ITC, Bangalore / ITC FOODS / 2024

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Case Film
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The Agragamini Campaign aligns with Sunrise Pure's brand values of gender equality and empowerment. The campaign addresses issues of gender representation by showcasing women entrepreneurs as role models, challenging stereotypes, and highlighting their contributions to society and the economy.

Sunrise Pure's brand values emphasize inclusivity, diversity, and support for women's advancement. The campaign's objectives were to recognize and uplift women entrepreneurs, provide them with platforms to showcase their ideas, and inspire others to pursue entrepreneurship regardless of gender. This approach reflects the brand's commitment to promoting positive change and creating opportunities for women in traditionally male-dominated industries.


The creative idea behind the Agragamini Campaign was to celebrate and honor women entrepreneurs as "Agragaminis," embodying their resilience and determination. The campaign aimed to shine a spotlight on their stories, challenges, and successes, and their business ideas.

Key elements of the creative idea included:

Storytelling: Using compelling narratives and visuals to showcase the journeys of Agragaminis, emphasizing their courage and impact.

Partnerships: Collaborating with government initiatives like Assam Startup and AIIDC, as well as media channels and celebrity influencers, to reach a wider audience and amplify the campaign's message.

Empowerment: Providing platforms for women to showcase their ideas and businesses, fostering a sense of empowerment and encouraging others to follow suit.

Inclusivity: Celebrating diversity by featuring women entrepreneurs from Assam's heartlands, highlighting regional talents and contributions.

Engagement: Engaging the audience through a contest, press conferences, and media coverage to create awareness, inspire participation, and drive impact.


Strategy Overview: Agragamini Campaign

Data Gathering:

The strategy for the Agragamini Campaign involved thorough data gathering to understand the landscape of women entrepreneurship in Assam. This included studying economic trends, assessing government initiatives like Assam Startup and AIIDC, and conducting surveys and interviews with women entrepreneurs. Data analysis helped identify key challenges, opportunities, and narratives that formed the basis of the campaign.

Target Audience:

The campaign targeted a diverse audience encompassing various stakeholders:

Consumer Demographic: Individuals interested in entrepreneurship, women's empowerment, and socio-economic development.

Organizations: Businesses, government bodies, NGOs, and media outlets invested in promoting gender equality, supporting entrepreneurship, and fostering community development.


The approach focused on storytelling through compelling narratives, strategic partnerships with government initiatives and media channels, engagement through contests and digital campaigns, and continuous measurement and optimization of key performance indicators to drive impact and visibility for women entrepreneurs.


Implementation: The campaign kicked off with content creation, including video production and social media assets. Partnerships with Assam Startup and AIIDC were solidified, and collaborations with media channels and influencers like Dimpu were activated. After which, the main contest has been aired on Pratidin Times as a three episodes.

Timeline: The teaser of the campaign was launched on December 12, 2023 and the last episode that was aired on Pratidin Times was at 10th of March, covering a overall span of three months.

Placement: The campaign was strategically placed across various channels. Press conferences and radio announcements garnered initial attention, while social media platforms facilitated widespread reach and engagement. The final event on Women's Day was positioned for maximum impact, aligning with the campaign's messaging and objectives.

Scale: The campaign operated at a significant scale, involving multiple stakeholders, including women entrepreneurs, government bodies, media partners, and the general public.


The Agragamini Campaign had a profound impact:

Brand Association and Consumer Awareness: It enhanced brand association with gender representation and empowerment, fostering positive consumer sentiment and awareness.

Business Impact: The campaign contributed to increased sales, donations, and site traffic, reflecting heightened engagement and support from the audience.

Change in Behavior: There was a noticeable shift in behavior, with more individuals and organizations actively supporting women entrepreneurs and advocating for gender equality in entrepreneurship.

Brand Perception: The campaign elevated brand perception, positioning Sunrise Pure as a champion of diversity, inclusivity, and social impact, resonating positively with stakeholders and the public.

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