Cannes Lions



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One person in five worldwide lacks access to electricity. Twice that number – three billion people – rely on wood, coal, charcoal or dung for cooking and heating. This is inequitable – and a major barrier to eradicating poverty.

In industrialized countries the energy problem is one of waste and pollution, not shortage. Inefficient energy use harms economic productivity and damages our planet. Climate change puts us all at risk, but it hurts the poor first – and worst.

The key to address both challenges is to provide sustainable energy that is accessible, cleaner and more efficient.

So the United Nations, under the leadership of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, launched Sustainable Energy for All, an ambitious initiative to achieve the following by 2030:

• Provide universal access to modern energy services

• Double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency

• Double renewable energy’s share of the global energy mix.

This would require governments and businesses to pledge billions of dollars, and commit to taking major action – no small task.

The public relations challenges were huge:

• Raise awareness of the significant needs and benefits to be realized through this initiative.

• Then encourage governments, civil society and the private sector to make major commitments.

The campaign delivered. Since launch, there’s been a 45% increase in social conversations around sustainable energy. 50 governments have made commitments. An initial $50 billion has been pledged by businesses.

And importantly, this initiative will transform the lives of more than one billion people.


Our strategic campaign included targeted events and media/stakeholder engagement in:

• Abu Dhabi - global launch at World Future Energy Summit

• New Delhi - Asia launch

• New York - Bloomberg New Energy Finance Summit 2012

• Brussels - EU Sustainable Energy for All Summit

• Nairobi - African roll-out

• London - Third Clean Energy Ministerial

• Barbados - Small Island Developing States Ministerial

• Plus hundreds of conversations between the UN and policymakers, NGO activists and governments.

Equally importantly:

• We developed a creative platform, “Sustainable Energy is POWERING _______” to tell personal stories about the impact of sustainable energy on economies, entrepreneurship, health and women.

• We designed the campaign website, managed and updated content to reflect new commitments.

• We managed all social media platforms.

• Linkin Park urged its 10 million-strong followers to donate

• Model Gisele Bunchen made a film about clean stoves


As a result, more than one billion people will benefit from improved access to energy, renewable energy sources, increased investment and better energy policies.

Key highlights include:

Action/Business Impact

- 50+ governments have pledged to develop sustainable energy programmes

- Businesses and investors have committed over $50 billion

- Tens of billions of dollars committed by governments, development banks, international and civil organizations

- The Brazilian Government committed $4.3 billion to achieve universal energy access by 2014, and $235 billion over ten years in renewable energy

- Hundreds of actions are underway by businesses, entrepreneurs, artists and individuals.


- 25 interviews with Ban Ki-Moon and key spokespeople

- 500+ stories in leading global newspapers and broadcast outlets


- Majority of coverage referenced initiative’s three goals

- 45% increase in social conversation around sustainable energy

- Facebook fan page had a reach of 1.4m by the end of Rio+20.

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