Cannes Lions



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Overnight we transformed a regular gas station in a highly congested area into a Suzuki branded fuel station for one day and lowered the prices on fuel by 30 percent, which is how much longer these three Suzuki models drive per litre compared to the average car in Denmark.The event was the starting point to create both PR and a number of TV spots. On the day of the event press and TV media was alerted so that people could find their way to the fuel station.

We filmed the customers and interviewed them. This eventually was used as part of the footage for 4 TVC’s.Apart from PR and TVC’s, the campaign also consisted of print ads – both national ads, local dealer ads as well as radio spots.Together this media mix ensured that both the event and the following campaign was a great success.


During that one day of the event more than 2,000 paying customers bought 14,925 litres of fuel and they experienced personally how much money they could save driving a fuel-efficient Suzuki.The event gained broad media coverage online, from the tv-stations, on radio and in the national newspapers.From the campaign aired and one month later, sales for the 3 models had increased by 12.5%. This should be seen in the light that the overall car market in Denmark at the time was in decline.Market share for Suzuki increased with 27% from August to the end of September 2008.

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