Cannes Lions


ZEGERS DDB, Santiago / MAVER / 2002

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Alfredo Ramirez Objective was to clearly tell the customer there was a product available to treat the flu and colds - Tapsin anti-flu - that came in two varieties: one for the day, to cheer you up, and another to be used at night to allow for a restful sleep. We had a product, Tapsin anti-flu, hot lemonade that offers relief for colds and flu symptoms, which came in two versions: one to be used during the day, with a formula designed to enliven the ailing person's spirits - cheer you up - and the other one for night use and formulated to allow a restful sleep. And we also had a medium: outdoor.We had to support both formulas at the same level as it was vital for the client to tell customers clearly that it was one product with two different prescriptions, each one of them with absolutely different attributes. We had two alternatives: to contract alternate elements allowing us to show each formula separately, or, in one single element show both. But we came up with a third option: Why not show both in the same element, but one for the day and the other for night use?So we created this novel system, where the element was a MUPI panel (for modular unit for public information) or acrylic panel lit from the inside to support outdoor advertising - which during the day showed Tapsin anti-flu for day use, to keep your spirits up - at night with artificial light, Tapsin anti-flu for night use, to allow for a restful night's sleep.So we clearly told consumers that there was one for the day and one to be used at night, each one with singular attributes and designed to produce different effects. This also allowed us to increase profitability of our resources because we duplicated each one of the elements. Having found a new way to use outdoor elements, MUPI panels in this case, allowing to make the best use of resources, while creating a 2X1.We created a new resource to differentiate the two varieties of a single product: Tapsin anti flu, which offers relief for flu and cold symptoms, with a special formula for night use. It is a great idea because it maximises resources while duplicating an element, allowing the delivery of two messages - according to the two formulas, one for the day and the other for use at night - without need for changing graphics.On the other hand, delivery of a message during the day and a different one at night, generates a degree of permanent surprise among passers-by and car drivers who happen to see the panel, all of this also allowing to increase exhibition time in the same place without becoming part of the scenery.Via this smart way of using a typical outdoor element as MUPI panels we were able to reach the public with two messages thus accomplishing the objective we had set for ourselves: to clearly tell consumers that there existed 2 formulas for Tapsin anti flu, each one with its own attributes.


Having found a new way to use outdoor elements, MUPI panels in this case, allowing to make the best use of resources, while creating a 2X1.We created a new resource to differentiate the two varieties of a single product: Tapsin anti flu, which offers relief for flu and cold symptoms, with a special formula for night use.

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