Cannes Lions


GSW, Columbus / BIOGEN / 2014

Presentation Image
Supporting Content
Case Film






Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory disease in which the insulating covers of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord are damaged. MS takes several forms, with new symptoms occurring in isolated attacks (relapsing forms) or building up over time (progressive forms).

As of 2008, between 2 and 2.5 million people are affected globally. The disease usually begins between the ages of 20 and 50 and is twice as common in women as in men.

Until recently, treatment for multiple sclerosis came with not-so-friendly rituals such as painful injections. With the introduction of oral therapy, there was still mandatory monitoring, undesirable side effects, even serious potential safety risks. For many people with MS, the burden of treatment seemed to outweigh the benefits.


We introduced the “ME and my MS” characters with a 2-minute video that commiserates with patients who are living with MS. And we placed this video introduction on a patient- friendly Tecfidera Web site that helps people understand more about MS, the benefits of Tecfidera, and how to find support that eases the way for starting treatment. In the patient brochure, ME and MS lead the reader through fairly technical yet valuable information, making content relevant to someone living with MS. Throughout the campaign, depicting MS as the “unwelcome guest that won’t go away” acknowledges the chronic nature of the disease but allows ME, a stand-in for every MS patient, to maintain some level of control. Language is simple and engaging, setting a tone that is friendly and approachable, like Tecfidera itself.


The “ME and my MS” campaign redefined the way patients see themselves by illustrating they could keep their MS at bay while continuing with the life they want to live. (Content here to be revised) Within 6 months of its approval in the United States, Tecfidera became the #1 prescribed oral therapy. Site visits in the first month exceeded our most aggressive projections and requests for information detailing the creative story

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