Cannes Lions


CONTEN MEDIA, Gurgaon / SPRITE / 2014

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This was an Always On Digital Campaign.

Our Creative team would receive queries form Teens across India and brainstorm with them on their Ideas.

Everyday we received Videos from Teens. We would then package them and upload them to the Sprite YouTube Channel and displayed on the TeenTillIDie website. We declared Daily Winners for Videos that received Maximum views in 24 Hours. We would take Video screenshots of the Winner Videos and Re-Design them into Facebook Posts and Tweets.

Finally Celebrity Judges Nominated 5 Videos in each category and the Big Winners were decided

by Voting using Social Logins.


The KPIS we had set were: Conversations, Reach and Views and Brand Love.

The Call For Entry Video received over 130,000 views and 4,000 Facebook shares in under 48 hours.??

In just 20 Days we received 310 Entries which is the highest ever in a Digital Campaign in India.

Video Views - 5.2 Million

Fan Conversations on Facebook - 834,000

Facebook Reach of Campaign - 25.1 Mn. That's 53% of Sprite's TG on Facebook and 50% of Sprite Monthly Drinker.

Positive Brand Sentiment - Increased by 1000% on Digital

Total Impressions Generated - 350 Mn

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