Cannes Lions

The air belongs to those who dream

PRIMO CONTENT, Mexico City / NBA / 2024


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions






The Films for Fans initiative embodies the NBA's core values and aspirations. It aims to enrich the global basketball community and engage fans on a deeper level by empowering film directors worldwide with the tools to capture the essence of NBA fandom.

Through compelling narratives and visuals, we seek to showcase the transformative power of the NBA in people's lives, highlighting the profound connections, emotions, and experiences it evokes.

Our mission is to inspire and uplift individuals, fostering a sense of belonging and unity among fans across borders.

Furthermore, Films for Fans serves as a platform for storytelling, enabling fans to share their personal journeys and perspectives encouraging greater empathy, understanding, and appreciation within the basketball community.

We want each film to ignite passion, spark conversations, and leave a lasting impact on fans worldwide.


Alejandro, a 25 year old Mexican immigrant, returns to his hometown after living in the United States for several years. After returning to his hometown he is confronted with the death of his father, his aging mother and his grown sister, who now has children. After spending a few days with them and trying to feel at home, he gets a feeling of desolation and not belonging.

Alejandro finds a way to process his grief in the towns basketball team, a physical and human challenge; the redemption of his deepest emotions.


"The Air Belongs to Those Who Dream" had a two-week cinema exhibition in Mexico City before its global release on the NBA's official platforms and the Films For Fans page.

The primary objective was to influence brand perception and enhance viewer engagement by involving them in the process and narrative of each story. The mission and purpose of this campaign achieved engagement with the fan community. We successfully reached the global community following the NBA, effectively connecting with fans on a profound level.

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