Cannes Lions


Y&R RUSSIA, Moscow / TOCHKA G / 2013


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
2 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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This campaign allowed Tochka G –the biggest Museum of Erotic art in Russia- to build and preserve a strong bond with its core target.

Researches and focus groups showed that Russian people –unlike many other cultures- do not associate eroticism with Art and this was the main weak point. The universal language of eroticism turned out to be a possible strength (if used properly, in a sensual and not vulgar fashion), a very relevant common thread among all adults. In order to establish this relationship between eroticism and art and in order to raise the number of visitors, we decided to address people who are already fascinated by art: adult Museum goers.

We chose the Pushkin Museum for our PR event. We picked a work of art in the permanent collection and changed its boring audio-guide description into a much more sensual one.

We then gave out free audio-guides to adult Museum goers for one week, starting on Saturday December, 15th 2012. All the descriptions of the paintings were the same except for one, which was very sexy and fun. At the end of the description, visitors where told that the exhibition they were watching was great but if they wanted something even more exciting, they should visit Tochka G Erotic Museum.

In the first month after the campaign, visitors started flocking (+460%) and Tochka G became one of the most visited and discussed attractions on and offline.


The media team realized that audio-guides have never been used before in advertising. This media looked interesting not only because it was innovative but mostly because it could reach our target in a very direct way (through headphones) in a moment in when the attention to the message is maximised.

We went to the famous Pushkin Museum in Moscow. We picked a work of art in the permanent collection and changed its boring audio-guide description into a much more sensual one.

We then gave out free audio-guides to adult Museum goers for one week, starting on Saturday December, 15th 2012. All the descriptions of the paintings were the same except for one, which was very sexy and fun. At the end of the description, visitors where told that the exhibition they were watching was great but if they wanted something even more exciting, they should visit Tochka G Erotic Museum.


In the first month after the campaign, visitors started flocking (+460%).

Word of mouth was successful and people talked about us on and offline. The Facebook page of the Museum gained more than 2,500 likes in the first 2 days, the clip of the event was seen on YouTube more than 30,000 times in the first 3 days.

There were lots of debates on whether erotism is an art or not.

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