
The Best in You

ACHTUNG!mcgarrybowen, Amsterdam / WEHKAMP / 2019

Presentation Image
Supporting Content
Case Film






We approached the music production in a completely fresh way to support the transformation of the brand. Wehkamp wants to modernize but also to be known as a company that represents and supports women at every moment of their life. Through a modern production, our goal was to bring energy and a feeling of empowerment to the Billy Joel classic, giving both Wehkamp and their target audience a relatable, catchy and uplifting soundtrack. With a deeper message of support to every definition of femininity and sisterhood.


The film is an ode to femininity and shows different women from the ages of 15 to 60+ in different key moments of their life, bringing out the best version of themselves. In the film, we see them in real, raw and honest moments.

The film’s narrative is guided by the classic song “She’s Always A Woman” by Billy Joel, but where Joel’s version is an earnest love song for his beloved, this new version is empowering, sung by women, for women. Each line is sung by a different vocalist who consequently represents each individual woman - from a young girl, to an older lady. To strengthen the brand message, it was imperative to our version that we emphasize and give voice to each of these women in a real, authentic and characterful way.


The challenge musically was to transform a male-to-female classic love song to an empowering tribute to women in the form of an energetic, modern pop song that encompasses the campaign’s story and emotion. Upkeeping the familiarity of the original, while granting it a new message.


We created first a 60’ track for the film. Due to the amount of requests on Youtube and other social networks for a full downloadable track we are now finishing a full length version of the song that will be released on Spotify in the next week.


The biggest compliment we got was being asked by numerous people to release the song as it was used in the campaign, after publishing the TVC on YouTube. People were asking in the comments to release the song

A few comments: ‘Please release this cover!’, ‘I need this song in my Spotify playlist!’, ‘Anyone knows where to find this song, I really love this version!’

Then the song was then listened to on Sportify 73,623 times and added to multiple playlists

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