
The Billboard that Took a Break

SERVICEPLAN, Brussels / CORONA / 2019

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Case Film






The client asked us to bring to life “This is Living”, which is Corona's baseline, by helping people disconnect and reconnect with their essential nature while being in the outdoors by creating something epic. Corona came to us without any specific KPIs other than the fact that they wanted us to create something unexpected.


We created a space amongst the Brussels urban jungle to disconnect from the day-to-day stress. We first started by planting a 36m² billboard in one of the busiest streets of Brussels where commuters pass by. The billboard's cryptic copy invited people to come and join us around this billboard for a much-needed break at a precise time and date.

At 5 pm in the afternoon, when people started leaving work, the Corona billboard took a break, inviting people to do the same. The billboard tilted from a vertical to a horizontal position revealing a pop-up “Paradise” bar on which people could stand and enjoy a few Coronas. In the middle of the Belgian urban jungle, this horizontal Billboard Bar was the perfect invitation to unwind after a long stressful day.


As opposed to other beer brands in the Belgian market, Corona did not really have a consumption moment associated with it, such as football matches, pre-partying, or enjoyed over a gastronomical meal. Since Corona wants to help its consumers break out from their stressful routine and invite them to spend more time outdoors, we decided to appropriate ourselves the after work moment. Instead of spending all year waiting for those long holidays booked in advance, we wanted to turn the after work into the holiday of the day. Corona, therefore, becomes the daily holiday that helps you break out from your routine.


First, our team set out to transform a 36m² billboard where a large proportion of Brussels commuters pass by into a Corona safe haven to unwind. The billboard ran for a week. For its first six days, passersby could see a normal vertical billboard with not so usual props on it like palm trees, a DJ booth, and hammocks. The copy on the billboard invited people to come in front of it in on a specific time and date, urging the people of Brussels to take a break. On the 7th day of the billboard’s lifespan, at precisely 5pm, the mechanised billboard tilted to a horizontal position with promo boys and girls appearing and inviting people to come and unwind on the billboard and enjoy a few Coronas. Famous DJ Kid Noize played a set during the event.


The 3 hour Facebook Live transmission of the event had a total view count of 497,000 views

Beyond the 10 influencers that were invited to the event, 200 spontaneous guests showed up during the 3 hours that the activation ran

500,000 passersby reached during the week that the billboard ran. (Source: ClearChannel Urban Media)

We reached a total of €40K in earned media (Sources: Vice, Elle Magazine, local TV, national radio)

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