Cannes Lions

The Real Blind Date

GLOBO TV, Rio De Janeiro / GLOBO TV / 2018

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Making blind people see their favorite tv star for the first time.

Globo TV partnered with Dorina Nowill Institute For The Blind to create a moving experience that demonstrated the transcendent connection between Globo’s series and soap operas and people that can’t see TV, but can feel it.

Four TV stars met blind fans. Because they "see" with their hands, the fans could touch their idols faces and know what they really are.

The result was a meeting full of emotion that also marked a new stage in the programming of TV Globo. The broadcaster expanded its content with audio description.

If the soap opera participates in the people daily life, it has to participate in the routine of the person with a visual deficiency as well.


We invited 4 soap opera fans for an interview. They did not know what was going to happen. These fans were special because they were blind. They imagine much of what happens in the soap opera, including how the actors look like.

We also invited 4 big tv stars. At one point the actors introduced themselves to the fans. It was a very exciting time for both sides.

The Real Blind Date was released one of the most important programs of Brazilian TV - Fantastic. Then a short version was created for the brake commercial. In addition, it was also released on the digital channels of TV Globo and the Dorina Nowill Foundation.


Globo TV is the biggest tv network in Latin America, covering 98% of the national territory. It knows its power of outreach and awareness.

Not only the meeting was a hit among fans of soap opera, but it was also celebrating the double of hours audio description content.

Launched on Fantastico, after on VideoShow, followed by Globo’s social channels, the project reached more than 70 million people. Not to mention the impact on the actors’ social media that has gotten thousands of fans who reverberated the project even more.

Currently, other TV stations have also increased the hours with audio description content. And the government created new laws require an even bigger increase by 2020.

The prospect that a visually impaired person can enjoy television content gets bigger and bigger. And that is the great success of our project THE REAL BLIND DATE.

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