Cannes Lions

The choir against hate speech


MP3 Original Language






Deutsche Telekom enables millions of customers to participate in digital life. With dozens of NGOs they work tirelessly for a web where all of us can come together in a safe and respectful way. So, fighting hate speech is more than a campaign, it’s a real brand purpose and attitude.

To encourage people to join the fight, we focused on a very powerful fact: It’s only 5 % of people who spread hate online.

This is important to know. Because it helps to not feel alone when you stand up against hate. In fact, you’re going to be part of the vast majority of 95 % of online users, who only need to raise their voices to silence hate. And the more of us come together, the easier it gets.

We had the chance to give people hope for an important cause.


Finding the right music was the most important part. A part, not only the creatives and composers were involved with, but directors, producers, account directors, Chief Creative Officers, wives and girlfriends. With the wrong music, the whole project wouldn’t work. The perfect track, however, could elevate the commercial to another level. Therefore, the music had to be: well-known, easy to understand (also on German television), lyrically somehow connected to the idea, emotional, powerful – so, basically “a unicorn”.

Eventually John Farnhams “You’re the voice” felt like it was written specifically for this idea. Then the real work began: Finding lead singers. Finding another 90 decent singers. Applying real hate comments to melody and rhythm. Making the song work for different lengths, for 5, 10, 50 and 100 voices. Orchestrating studio sessions and live on-set recording. Yes, there were sleepless nights. But the result is pretty much what we dreamed of.


This campaign was something special. Radio based solely on the eighties classic “You’re the Voice“ by John Farnham, real hate comments being sung by 5 singers on national radio, and a choir of 95 people reacting to it in a very empathic way. So, it was all about audio from the beginning. The rest of the campaign worked the same way. The audience embraced this kind of approach with open arms. And, I guess, ears.

It showed in the numbers.

1 billion media contacts

47 million media impressions

+ 41 % awareness / engagement

+ 19 % brand image uplift

+ 45 % perceived social responsibility

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