Cannes Lions

The Cropped Car

DDB GROUP ITALY, Milan / AUDI / 2024

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Case Film
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Italy is famous for its big cycling events, cycling heritage, and cycling culture, but it’s not a place where cyclists can ride safely, because of a lack of respect for them from car drivers. The data are clear: every two days, a cyclist dies, making it the most dangerous place in Europe for riding a bicycle.

Audi is the most committed automotive brand for safer and cleaner mobility, thanks to its real technological innovation and concrete solutions, and to its progressive attitude. That’s why it wanted to take a stand on such an important topic, aware it would spark a debate.

The campaign aimed to raise awareness of the need for the 1.5 meters distance law that, in the end, has been approved by the Italian parliament.


Audi just did what it said: the brand gave 1.5 meters of space to cyclists, cropping out 1.5 meters of the car in all its communication for the first time. The car partially slipped in all the ads to leave room for the message in favour of cyclists, asking for the 1.5 meters distance law. Because the example is the most powerful message you can deliver, especially when a pro-cyclists stand comes from an automotive brand.


Italy is the most dangerous place in Europe for riding a bicycle: every two days, a cyclist dies. Audi’s target is open-minded and forward-oriented, able to understand the change we need as a society. The brand and its target share the same environmental awareness and progressive attitude, besides many Audi clients are outdoor lovers themselves. All that created the perfect opportunity for Audi to reinforce its role as a leading brand for safety and sustainability issues.


On the occasion of Maratona dles Dolomites, The Cropped Car campaign was launched with an outdoor domination directed to the +8000 participants, maximizing the momentum and spontaneous conversations about road cycling. Then, the campaign took over all Audi social channels, sports magazines and newspapers, and spread nationwide becoming a matter of debate on social media.


A message in favour of cyclists spread by an automotive brand could not fail to have an impact on public opinion. People shared it and commented on it, sparking a heated debate on social media, reaching +25k interactions. Audi’s courage was recognized and the campaign was quoted in major national newspapers, reinforcing its role as a leader brand with a progressive attitude.

In the end, the law was approved by the Italian parliament.

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