Cannes Lions

"The disappearance of Jupiler"


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•We removed the Jupiler logo from the brewery.

•PR should shock the Belgians by raising the question: Will Jupiler dissapear?

•A shockwave in the country and keep the Belgians in its grip until the pressconference where Jupiler will reveal to put aside its own identity to become Belgium.


•Belgium is a divided country by language/politics. From branding Jupiler to Belgium, ABI will unite the Belgians as one proud nation standing behind the Red Devils.Jupiler being the first brand to put aside its own identity for a bigger cause. We started the movement: unite people as one nation (being the example).

•For 5 months, not on a limited edition, ABI changed its identity of Belgians leading beer brand Jupiler into Belgium: Official beer 2018 FIFA World Cup.

•Even on all SKU’s/media, f.i. bottles, cans/shrinks, glasses and communications such as TVC/Outdoor/Digital Jupiler became Belgium.


-Implementation/timeline/scale of the PR:

• Phase/Day 1 “Preparation”: By removing the Jupiler signing from the brewery the rumour of the disappearance of Jupiler started/was picked up by all (inter)national news media and went through the roof. We went completely silent and the buzz even got bigger.

• Phase/Day 2 “Launch”: The question: “Will Jupiler disappear?” was raised via two exclusive agreements with two leading and famous journalists in the national press. This message was picked up by for instance the national TV news, (international) (financial) mar/com blogs, media and caused an incredible boost on social media.

• Phase/Day 3 “Reveal”: An official ABI press conference was organised at the headquarters in Brussels and presented by the Business Unit President Western Europe as a reply to the national panic.


Media Outputs

Phase/Day 1 “Preparation/Launch”: When the disappearance of Jupiler was leaked, all national TV channels and papers picked it up and buzz went through the roof.

Phase/Day 2 “Silence/Discussion”: Would AB Inbev, the biggest international beer brewery, distroy Jupiler, Belgium’s biggest beer brand? And why? Jupiler became headline of the day.

Phase/Day 3 “Reveal/Outcome”: A press conference at Worldwide headquarter ABI Brussels, as a reply to the national panic, was attended by the complete national press. Our reveal: “The brand Jupiler” doesn’t disappear, but will change its identity for 5 months into “the brand Belgium” as the official beer of the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The We are Belgium campaign was launched. The effect was unseen: “BELGIUM” on front pages and full pages in key media… total madness, that went on for 4 days straight.

-Target audience outcomes

Belgium became trending topic during a week. The peak was at the reveal of the campaign.

A minimum of 164 outlets (RTV, Print & Digital) covered our news. €2.46 mio earned media online; €550.000 earned media RTV; €344.000 earned media print. Total crossed media effect: €5.038.339.

“The disappearance of Jupiler” became the nr.1 earned media return for Jupiler ever. (WC14; €0,5 mio launch + campaign / EC16; €1,4 mio launch + campaign / WC18; 5,0 mio, only launch!)

-Some more remarkable results

Even Metro newspaper changed its identity/name into Belgium.

The protocol of the Belgium King called right after the press conference, asking for ‘all Belgium products’.

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