
The Inclusive Beer Ad

BBDO BELGIUM, Brussels / JUPILER / 2019


1 Shortlisted Eurobest
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Jupiler is the leading beer brand in Belgium. And also the most stereotypical masculine brand. Its tagline has been “Men know why” for over 30 years. It has always communicated with traditional masculine codes. Because of this the brand still has a lot of credibility among traditional men. Jupiler decided to use this influence to help make society more inclusive.

Sarah Bettens is one of Belgium’s most accomplished rock stars, receiving international recoginition and scoring massive hits with the band “K’s Choice”. On may 18 she announced her transition from female to male. Sam Bettens became one of the first, and certainly the most high profile celebrity to make such a public transition.

Jupiler decided this was the perfect time to use its influence to promote the normalization of transgender men.


On may 18 2019, Sarah Bettens, one of Belgium’s most famous rock stars, announced her transition towards masculinity and became Sam Bettens. A huge moment for the transgender community in Belgium.

One day later, Jupiler, Belgium’s most masculine beer brand with the 30-year old baseline “men know why”, published a newspaper ad stating two simple words: “Pintje, Sam?”. In English: “Fancy a beer, Sam?”.

The expression “pintje?”, offering a beer, is a sign of male acceptance. The message to men was clear: Sam is instantly one of the guys.

A simple beer served as a low-barrier conversation starter on the topic for men who don't know how to react towards transgender people.

This traditional brand suddenly made a strong point about the normalization of transgender people. Without endless debates. Just no-nonsense instant acceptance.


Jupiler has been perceived as a stereotypical masculine brand. It made the brand very influential among conservative men. A recent study by the Belgian institute for the equality of women and men (the “beyond the box” study) has proved that traditional men have more difficulties accepting transgender people’s new identities than women.

Jupiler used its influence on these men to guide them towards a more inclusive attitude. A traditional brand suddenly made a strong point about the normalization of transgender people. The expression "Pintje?", offering someone a beer, is a sign of male acceptance. So Jupiler sets the example and shows men that Sam is to be accepted as a man now.

With one newspaper ad, Jupiler opened up the transgender debate to a broader, difficult to reach audience, while using the everyday language of men and the low-barrier gesture of offering a beer.


On may 20, we published a full-page newspaper ad in the Flemish part of Belgium - the part where Sam is the most Famous. The ad featured in the country's two most-read newspapers: "Het Laatste Nieuws" and "De Morgen", who, combined, reach almost 3 million people. That's 50% of the Flemish population. With this big mainstream print ad placement, Jupiler made a powerful statement for everyone to see: we instantly accept Sam Bettens as a man.


Total earned reach: 30,467,076 impressions via:

- with a total offline reach of 5.224.407 Belgians (total population 11mill.) and an online reach of 8,275,601 unique visitors.

- Via news and talkshows on the four main TV channels (public and commercial) and 18 different radio stations, Jupiler reached 7,133,851 Belgians out


- All of Belgian media outlets posted about the ad which massively strengthened the owned social exposure and total online impressions on social media

total earned media value: 1,3 million.

Proof of the positive comprehension and attitudes were the multiple online newspaper polls indicating up to 75% positive evaluation rate. The Positive sentiment was driven by celebrities, experts, influencers, consumers and – most importantly – the transgender community spokespersons supporting the campaign as a necessary, low-barrier conversation starter. The bold and simple style and tone of the message were the key to success.

The current brand awareness of Jupiler is already sky-high at 99,7% and further increased with 0,3% after the campaign). Brand trial increased significantly with 1.7% in the months after the press stunt

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