Cannes Lions

We are Belgium


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During the World Cup it doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from or how you look like. During the World Cup we are all the same, we’re all supporters. In the film we see a diverse group of people losing their identity for this greater cause. We see them stating what they are not, mixed with short and dynamic shots that create suspense and build towards an epic climax in which all the characters, including the entire nation and Jupiler itself, state that they are not who they usually are. During this World Cup, ‘We are Belgium’.


The 60” TV spot was aired for a duration of two weeks, on all national TV channels between the 19th of March and 1st of April. A total of 343 spots, in which Jupiler launches the battle cry ‘We are Belgium’, starring a combination of unknown and known Belgians, amongst which some Red Devils (national team players). As the World Cup gets closer, we’re graduately shifting to an exclusive cast of Red Devils, in which the battle cry ‘We are Belgium’ forms the link to events and both on- and offline activations. All packaging has been altered (cans, bottles, glasses), so from the moment the World Cup is priority #1, cheering for Belgium is cheering for your favourite beer.


Although the campaign is still very young (but we felt we shouldn’t wait to contribute it as you need to feel the World Cup excitement to be able to properly examine this case) the first media-outcomes are very exciting. In the North of Belgium (Flanders) in the first week we scored 12 percent more GRP’s than aimed for (120 vs 107). Results in the South are equally promising; we scored a preferential position of 93% with an excellent level of prime time so far (66%). Most important however is the fact that Belgian soccer fans have picked up the battle cry ‘We are Belgium’ and are using it more and more during games and public viewings, turning this campaign in an actual movement.

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