Cannes Lions

The Eyeballs Heist



1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Netflix Thailand, the most popular streaming service in Thailand wanted to make a massive impact on the launch of Money Heist: Korea Joint Economic Area. The remake of the popular Spanish series that is not so famous in Thailand. But How?

Bangkok is a highly dense city with a population of 10.72 million. This City of Angels is also ranked 8th worst traffic in the world where an average Bangkokian spends

at least 64 hours a year in traffic. This made out-of-home media in Bangkok expensive and guaranteed millions of eyeballs daily at prime locations. The only problem is that they are fully booked all year.


The Eyeballs Heist is operated by covering all the other brand media space with a giant red fabric that collaborates with the fabric expert. The red fabric covered half of the billboard with the message ‘This billboard got heisted’ and left some parts for audiences to notice the brands we heisted from. And it's hooked! all brands reacted on their social media with lawsuit posts even news channels picked it up.


Money Heist: Korea Joint Economic Area. The remake of the popular Spanish Netflix series is set to be a mega-hit as it masterly tells the story of a pack of thieves plotting an ambitious robbery. The show is famous for an unexpected heist plot led by the Professor, the mastermind of all plans.

So, if you want to do a campaign to promote the show. You need to think like the Professor himself by creating a plan aimed at the most valuable and the most expensive thing in our industry, "consumer's eyeballs". Why do we have to buy those billboards when you can heist them.....


The operation took only one night to perform a heist plan by kicking it off at Bangna and Dindang billboards, the primmest locations in Bangkok. Before spreading to more locations around the city like, MRT lightbox on most traffic stations, Thai local buses, and Tuk-Tuk signboards. The campaign lasted only 4 weeks, long enough to heist all eyes and attention to Money Heist: Korea Joint Economic Area.


Millions of people witnessed the heist operation and it became the talk of the town within a day. Social media and even the national news channels caught on to this heist like wildfire opening up controversy, organic posts, and forums heated in debates over this daring heist questioning,

"This ad campaign plays at the edges of legality."

"Why haven't those brands brought down Netflix yet ?"

All we can say is 'Maybe they were plotting with us this whole time....'

- 10K online conversations

- 11k organic shares, likes, and comments

- 33,575,002 eyeballs heisted from the other brands

- 100 million PR value

- Money Heist Korea became No.1 on Netflix overnight.

Thailand’s attention got heisted successfully by Money Heist!

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