Cannes Lions

The Firefly



1 Bronze Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Demo Film






One of the main characteristics of Brazil is inequality. With major economic, regional and gender discrepancies, inclusion is a challenge that affects the dreams of millions of Brazilians on a daily basis, especially now, in a context of economic and political crisis.

Bradesco is one of the most traditional banks in Brazil. With 70 million customers, inclusion is part of the bank’s business model.

For its year-end campaign, Bradesco came to us with a very ambitious challenge: deeply touch Brazilians with an emotional message and reinforce their point of view about inclusion to embrace all minorities.

The narrative had to have inclusion at its core and the guidance received was to create bold content that could become the most viewed end-of-year video of all banks in 2018.


The idea was to tell a story that could touch every and each Brazilian by remembering them how special, powerful and unique they are. "2019 Make it Happen" is a story to make us remember that together, without discrimination, we can shine our inner light to make a difference in the world.

Inclusion is represented in each frame through a casting that includes a mix of skin tones, ethnicities, genders, people with Down syndrome, gay couples, immigrants and a number of different economic realities. The soundtrack that sets the mood is Christina Aguilera's 'Beautiful' performed by the famous Brazilian Drag Queen artist Gloria Groove.

Even real Brazilian architecture, which was never represented in a 3D animation before, was crucial for the concept. A total of 40 types of typical Brazilian trees and houses that portray what the country really is.


In a society that excludes, Bradesco will be positioned as the bank that includes. A bank that is open to all people, valuing each one regardless of income, skin tone, gender, region, and sexual orientation.

The strategy was to take advantage of the spirit of the end of the year to challenge prejudices and renew the hopes of those who feel excluded in Brazilian society. Every choice in "2019 Make it Happen" is about inclusion.

Our choice to make an animation was driven by the high level of empathy this format is able to extract from the audience. The firefly was purposefully genderless so that everyone could feel represented. It was the first advertising animation ever to capture the real Brazil, with 40 types of typical Brazilian trees and houses and characters that portrayed how diverse the country really is.


With this film, we made the whole country truly see themselves reflected in an animation.

The short motion picture format (2’30) enabled each Brazilian to dive into their feelings and see themselves in the story. For Bradesco, one of the most traditional banks in Latin America, this project was a turning point. Used to traditional approaches, this was the first time a bank raised the diversity flag during the most important time of the year: Christmas. Reinstating its role of being a bank for everyone.

With a 3D animation technique, we could make all the emotions that characters were feeling really come out.

The design values the emotional construction of the character, with more anthropomorphic features so they could have expressions with more human connections.

Brazil and the mix of ethnicities are represented in each frame, with a mix of races, ethnicities, genders, including people with Down Syndrome, a gay couple, immigrants and several different social classes.

The light in the film also shined. We not only considered the emotional factor that it would impact, but also the different temperatures in each scene according to what the character was feeling.

We created 40 types of Brazilian vegetation and architecture from the middle of the century, with traditional embellishments, windows, and facades from all over Brazil.

The soundtrack was a surprise. Gloria Groove, famous drag queen artist, recorded the Christina Aguilera hit. That helped foster the conversations in social media.

Film production lasted 13 weeks, with 160 people involved and was exhibited during prime time on the biggest TV broadcaster in the country and on the YouTube masthead. In addition to being a campaign that is integrated with all media. The result of all this emotion is enchanting: The firefly is the most viewed commercial in YouTube Brazil history.


117 million views, the most viewed commercial in YouTube Brazil history. More views than the most viewed commercial in the USA in 2018. (Google 113 million views)

More views than the original Christina Aguilera clip.

In mobile, the number of views is 2x the sum of the population of all Brazilian capital cities.

+30 million full views.

59% retention in a 2’30” video.

250,000 sign-ups on YouTube.

5.6 million impacts on Facebook + Instagram

328% higher engagement than other brand videos.

The commercial with the highest impact on YouTube

Video post with the most clicks on Facebook

We created the 1st Blastroom in the history of Google Brazil, 21.3 million impacts in just 3 hours. 77 million consumers classified and qualified for future campaigns. A total of 77 million consumers classified and qualified for future campaigns.

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