Cannes Lions


NOTABLE, Montevideo / PUMA / 2014

Presentation Image
Case Film
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Every soccer fan remembers the MARACANAÇO, when tiny Uruguay beat Brazil at the final of the 1950 world cup in Rio de Janeiro. Uruguay silenced the 200.000 spectators at Maracaná Stadium. Uruguay turned the match over and won 2 -1 in the greatest feat of football history.

64 years later Brazil will have a new chance to win at home. But when Uruguay qualified for the World Cup, the fear of history repeating itself invaded the Brazilian hearts. Puma, the brand of Uruguay's official jersey, summoned the Ghost of 1950. Dressed in light blue, the Ghost of 1950 walked the streets of Rio de Janeiro and returned to Maracaná Stadium, where the final match will be played once again.

It was supposed to be done as an old-fashioned PR campaign, by sending a PRESS RELEASE to traditional and online media. But things went much faster.

We released the TV spot during the decisive match of URUGUAY and JORDANIA. The Ghost haunted Brazilians on TV and social media. The Ghost became news in national and international media, reaching almost 60.000.000 people across the world. (20 times Uruguay’s population.) Even the people themselves started to scare Brazilians too.

The Ghost truly became an icon.


First, we aired a 1 minute TV Post presenting THE GHOST OF THE 50s on Prime Time TV - right in the middle of the decisive match between URUGUAY and Jordania.

In all social networks, the Ghost became a celebrity, haunting all kinds of media around the world. The Ghost reached almost 60.000.000 people. (20 times Uruguay’s population), creating more than 1.3MM in earned media.


-The Campaign had more than 985.000 views in YouTube.

-The video was played in 40 countries.

-On Facebook the campaign had more than 120.000 likes.

-And more than 30 spontaneous fan pages where created.

-In Twitter, the Ghost of the 50a had thousands of followers in just 6 days.


-Overall the campaign got $1.3 MM in earned media.

-60 million people impacted. (Uruguay population is only 3 million)

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