Dubai Lynx

The glow up


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Case Film
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With focus today shifting to natural beauty, this indefinitely placed all the pressure on the skin. Leading women to go on a constant quest for more advanced skin solutions. “glow” has become a firm favorite for women across all segments. The beauty industry echoed this shift in consumer behavior by growing the derma cosmetics category in the past few years. One of the factors that lead to this growth is credited to how the consumers were constantly developing their self-education about skincare routines. The Skin Care category in the Egyptian market has been booming with a growth of +7% in the past year across several segments. However, the Serum market in specific was dominated by niche derma brands. Our objective was to create a Mass Serum Segment and snatch a share from the total serum market by increasing TOM and generating massive awareness about our Fast Bright Serum.


Memory structures are formulated by stimulating, entertaining assets, so we created a jingle that became an earworm for our target audience. We unleashed it where our target lived online on the current hottest platform, TikTok!

We crafted our jingle in a snappy 15 secs format to fit the optimum TikTok format; and to further resonate with our target, we collaborated with a TikTok famous voice Influencer perfect fly with our campaign– Youssra el Gendy.

The jingle wasn’t just another song for them to sing along to on TikTok. It was crafted around real problems about dullness and questions in their minds followed by our glowing solution. To increase TOM for the consumers we mentioned it repeatedly. So, whenever the consumer thinks Serum, they think Garnier Vitamin C.

We offered edutaining snackable content to educate our target about the ingredients and the best occasions to use our product.


We are targeting the female Gen Z and Millennial group of the Egyptian population. Our consumers today are more health conscious than ever before. A target who has a high capacity to try and use skin care products throughout the past years; they even started to create their own sophisticated skin care routines like DIY masks at home. Our mass consumers are now more aware of how their lifestyle contributes to their skin health.

Since our target was one that lived mostly online; they got most of their knowledge and recommendations through social media platforms. Thus, we decided to use this learning to generate maximum awareness on our product.

Due to the high purchase intent that results out of trending TikToks today, we chose TikTok as our main channel. We wanted to prove to our target that we could speak their language, understood their problems, had the solution for it


We adapted our format and execution to become native to the TikTok platform; creating a viral effect was our objective every step along executing. We used the full funnel approach launching a top view to maximize our awareness and encourage clicks plus views. We used top feed to ensure we reached our goal reach % of our audience and finally complemented the rest of the campaign with infeed ads on TikTok using video view objective which has also proven to work better than reach objective on both reach and video view numbers.

We fledged our campaign and stretched our format to fly with our jingle outside of TikTok on Anghmai, the top music platform, reaching maximum awareness and ad recall.

To boost our reach we married our TikTok campaign with snackable content shot with relevant influencers. We tailored the content in an entertaining way to hammer on the dullness problem.


The campaign was a massive success! it became the #1 Most Sold Serum in Egypt in few months (by June 2022), creating a new Mass Serum Market and snatching a whopping 24% of the total serum market , offering accessible beauty for all.

Overall, we achieved a reach of 50M views vs a target of 20M views, Impressions of 295M (115% increase versus our planned KPIs) and a reach 56M views across FB, YT & TT making it one of the most effective campaigns.

We were able to increase ad recall, brand intent and brand awareness across the campaign and achieved an engagement rate of 60% versus a benchmark of 6% making it the most engaging campaign this year.

Our Facebook BLS showed +33%brand lift on ad recall, 92% lift on brand intent, 56% lift on brand awareness

On Tiktok 17.3% increase in ad recall, 2.9% lift in Awareness, 30.7% VTR

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