Cannes Lions

The most expensive "work of art"


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(client context)

Renfe is the main railway operator in Spain, and is a public institution that reports to the Ministry of Public Works. Today it is the only company in the sector in Spain that runs passenger service.

(Brief + Objectives)

Every year, thousands of trains are vandalized (with a 60% increase in the last few years) and cleaning graffiti costs Renfe more than 15 million euros, an expense we all as Spaniards assume since it is a public company. Renfe shared this figure with the public on several occasions, with barely a flicker of a response, and that's why we decided to present the message so that we could all appreciate its value and think about it, to stimulate debate and open up a conversation.


We transformed a door off a local Cercanías train which had been pulled out of service to be repaired in Renfe's workshops, into a communication weapon. To do so we took it to ARCO: the most important international contemporary art fair in Spain.

So in February 27 we presented to press and public alike: The most expensive “work” at ARCOmadrid 2019. We exhibited the door as if it were a work of art, including this message:

This “work” is worth more than 15 million euros. And we all paid for it.


The door, that on the train was nothing, when exhibited in ARCO turned into an entire communication campaign that reached millions of people raising awareness about a problem that affects all Spaniards due to the public expense and affects Renfe customers specifically with delays due to pulling out trains to clean them, and the dangers posed by graffiti artists, like when they pull on the emergency brake to do graffiti mid-trip.


We transformed the door of a Commuter train that had been removed from circulation and subsequently taken to the workshop in Valladolid for restoration, into a weapon of communication.

And thus we presented: The most expensive “work” at ARCOmadrid 2019.

We exhibited the door at ARCOmadrid, one of the 10 most important art fairs in the world, as if it were a work of art under the message: “This “work” is worth more than 15 million Euros. And we all paid for it.”


28 February

Organic trending topic

Earned Media €1.4 million

TOTAL SCOPE 24,825,590

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12 items




2018, RENFE

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