Cannes Lions



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Case Film
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Case Film
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TV is the main medium and gaining share; whereas internet investment is also gaining more importance especially when the content is linked with TV. In 2011, The Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) have adopted new standards regards to the length of advertisements and , sponsorship regulations on TV, which was the beginning of new changes for the sector. Regulation restricting advertising space in many areas, but opened the door to a new world: Product Placement. However, within integration execution, product should not be promoted by the program and there shouldn’t be any claims made about how good the product is. A product integration that fit naturally into the scene lets multiple promotional brand extensions and marketing opportunities. Placement that isn’t organic doesn’t favor the brand and actually can be a turn off to audiences.


We used TV copies in solus position in commercial ad frames. We used TV banner ads and hashtag ads within the series. We also used vertical TV banners, which has never been used in Turkey before. All ads mentioned that the audience would be getting closer to the killer, step by step, with the help of the app (see below). In digital, our banners have been promoted in mobile apps in Google Play Store and iTunes Store, where we planned categories are Movies & Series. Our text ads have been shown to mobile searchers to direct them to our microsite.


Our Campaign was a media 1st ‘Technology Partnership’ in Turkey, delivering Cross-Channel App for Real-time 2nd Screen audience experiences.

Our potential target for application downloads was 35.000.We exceeded our target with 53,800 downloads in three weeks creating 76%audience engagement.Kara Para Ask became one of the most mentioned TV show in social media.%12of the mentions were about Samsung and our mobile app.

We demonstrated TV production (mobisodes) with a mobile phone for the first time. The app was rated by users and became one of the top10 best new applications.The App-Store rating was 4.5 over 5.Best of all, the audience appreciated Samsung for presenting an exciting second screen experience.

We created valuable conversation among users in social media channels.Our target audience rated significantly a positive social response about Galaxy S5.Both in terms of unit cost as well as the rate of download return we performed well via targeting and optimization tools.

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