Cannes Lions

The Night When the Whole Restaurant Proposed

HASAN & PARTNERS, Helsinki / FAZER / GEISHA / 2016

Presentation Image
Case Film
Supporting Content






Finns have a reputation of being quite introverted people. That’s why Geisha – the most romantic chocolate brand in Finland – wanted to help would-be suitors to ask the toughest question: Will you marry me?

We recruited shy Finns who wanted to propose to their loved ones, and built a pop up restaurant where the selected suitors could ask this important question in a peaceful and beautiful environment – with support from Geisha.

We wanted to enable an experience no one has done before and capture authentically profound emotions in the campaign. We wanted to sponsor real love – not just show people who appear to be in love – in our advertising.


We recruited Finns who wanted help and support with their proposal. Out of the 90 applicants we recruited 14 would-be suitors and arranged a surprise date night in a pop-up restaurant built just for them. We hid cameras and microphones around the restaurant. We also built walls with one-way mirrors and hid four full-sized studio production cameras behind them. A live video mix was made on-set. The cameras followed as one shy suitor after another proposed. As far as we know, this was first time anywhere that an entire restaurant full of people proposed.

We documented the romantic night and aired the two-minute film “The Night When the Whole Restaurant Proposed” on national TV on Valentine's Day during prime time, and also in social media.


Sales increased 191 % compared to previous year (February 2016).

240 000 views online in one week (Finland has a population of 5,5 million)

14 proposals & 14 times "Yes"

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