Cannes Lions


PEPPERCOMM, New York / TYCO / 2013

Presentation Image






Starting today, we move forward as One Tyco. Our mission is to advance safety and security by finding smarter ways to save lives, improve businesses and protect where people live and work. Under this united umbrella, we join together to create the best company for our employees to work for – and for our customers to do business with.

These are the words of George Oliver,Tyco’s CEO, on the morning of October 1, 2012. That day, 69,000 employees awoke to that new vision - a new day and a new Tyco. He delivered personalized speeches to staff across the globe and celebrations were organized to mark the beginning of this new era for the company.

To get to this point though, we had to first start from the ground up. Together, the two companies formed an integrated partnership to position Tyco as the global leader in the fire protection and security industry leading up to and following a corporate separation. This mammoth effort required a truly globally integrated communications campaign with multiple disciplines (communications, creative, events, social/digital media, and traditional media), multiple audiences (employees, investors, media, customers) and multiple countries.

At the core of these campaigns were 69,000 employees and 3 million customers worldwide, whom all had a vested interest in finding technology and manufacturing solutions in the fields that were integral to their business. It was Tyco’s first true chance to wipe the slate clean and build a new culture, a new messaging - a new Tyco.


The team executed a three-phased approach to communicate messaging:

• Developed five videos, on key businesses, played on Investor Day, supplementing presentations. Each – shot in 15 locations across four countries – helped investors understand the new enterprise. Additionally, we built a new website, with fresh copy, wireframing, design, and development/coding.

Also created:

Customized memo templates;

Signage for headquarters;


Brochures about tools like Yammer

• On Day One, Tyco held customized celebrations to touch all employees. Forty-four live and boxed events helped Tyco’s 1,000+ locations celebrate. The CEO joined each via web, enhancing the experience.

• On October 8, Tyco’s board rang the closing bell at the NYSE, followed by a party. Video let employees who couldn't attend feel like they had. Senior leadership also conducted interviews about the direction of the company.

Week One also coincided with advertisements in the Wall Street Journal, showing the company's new portfolio.


On October 1, efforts aligned and Tyco was unveiled. The undertaking benefited from the collective talent of the integrated teams. Results connected to core objectives:

1. Demonstrate new direction

•Tyco leaders met with investors managing $4.3 trillion in assets, leading to positive comments in marketplace;

•On Day One, 22,337 (of 29,000) employees visited/shared photos on Yammer (5x average);

•Reached 10,000+ employees via events – 15% of the global workforce;

•30,000+ unique visitors to new Website during first week; 80,000 pageviews.

2. Improve communication tools

•On Day One, Tyco had 500 posts and 1176 groups on Yammer

•New infographics/collateral on new company depth/breadth distributed to all employees

3. Create splash to demonstrate strong position

•New receives 6x normal traffic since launch.

Site also successfully merges former customer/consumer sites into single destination for Tyco products/services.

•80 million media impressions, shifting to positive commentary on new company and CEO

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