Cannes Lions

the Refugee Party


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Case Film






We launched the Refugee Party, a party with the sole purpose of bringing the refugee crisis into the political debate, and getting the other parties to be honest about their immigration and refugee policies.


When the party was live, the 22 of August, we had three weeks to election day. We used the momentum of the launch to do as much as possible the first week, which landed us a separate debate with the two biggest parties in Norway solely about refugee issues and why they weren't talking about it. The days following this we made headline news, and was written about in most of the major newspapers, as well as invited to radio debates with the other parties. After the first week we worked with other organisations that supported our cause, to talk about the other parties policies so the public would know where they stood.


We made headline news in most of the biggest news outlets in Norway, we were the main story on NRK, our biggest TV network, and were invited to debates on both tv and radio multiple times during the campaign, and we were debated without being present throughout the election.

The campaign was not meant to spread awareness about Amnesty International, but affecting the election. Three of the parties adopted parts or all of our platform on refugees, and these parties all had their best election in years, with growth up to 118%. After the election, we had 14 new mandates to support the refugees in government.

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